It's so hard to believe that it has already been more than a month now that I've been here. This has been without a doubt the best and worst month of my life. Every day that I spend here I feel better about my surroundings and worse about not being with Jessica. I know that my feelings are going to continue to be torn the longer I'm here. I just hope that my positive feels for this trip continue to outweigh my negative ones for Jessica.
This past week was pretty enjoyable. The weather was in the high 20s which was actually fairly refreshing considering most of the month was around 35. It's a nice sign that spring weather is just around the corner. Yay for finally being able to wear jeans and a sweater! This week I had a full load of classes. I had the first class of my course on Japanese Foreign Policy. It was very neat. The professor was apparently somewhat famous and had lots of very interesting things to say. It was the first class I've had for a while that I wasn't watching the clock. My Japanese classes have begun to pick up the pace a bit, which has been nice. On Friday I had previously been told that my Japanese Economics class had been cancelled because my professor was out of the country but I was approached in my Business class a day earlier telling me that I did in fact have to go to class. I was very surprised that they made the effort to go to everyone who had registered in that lecture's class to tell them that they needed to go. It was a complete waste of my time though. They had us watch one of my professor's lectures that he had done in a previous year. To add to the fact that my professor has a very thick Japanese accent, the audio quality was horrible. I used the time to play Ninjump on my iPod. Fun times... =D
On Friday night a few of my roommates decided to go out to a nomihodai, or an all-you-can-drink bar. I had originally planned on going, if nothing else to simply relax with my friends after a long week, though I decided against it at the last minute. I'm glad I did. It apparently got quite out of control. All I'll say is I had to go out at 1:30 to help my friend from a subway station...
On Saturday I made plans with my friends who had come to Carleton last year on exchange from Nanzan to go to Nagoya Station. Once there we decided it'd be fun to go bowling. The place my friend had in mind was fairly close by, so we just walked. It's truly amazing being downtown in Nagoya on a Saturday night. There's soo many people!!! The bowling alley we went to was actually on the 6th floor of a very tall building. I never imagined I'd bowl in a high-rise. We had a ton of fun! After bowling we went to an English bar named "Hub", got some drinks and just chatted for a couple hours. Fun Stuff. :)
Left --> Right : Me, Naomichi, Alanna, Kristen, Crystal, Yukiko, Brandon |
Today I had a nice chance to just sleep in until about 9. Surprisingly this was probably the longest I've slept in here. I intentionally made no plans so I wouldn't feel obliged to wake up early. At around 6 our landlord came by for our scheduled cleaning day. It's supposed to happen every week, but this was the first time we'd cleaned as an entire house. Hopefully this'll become a regular occurrence now. She was nice enough to make us a huge pot of curry, which we enjoyed together after all the cleaning was finished. It was wonderful to sit around the table with everyone. It's a rare event that we have everyone in the same room at one time.